Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Writer's Guide to E-Publishing: An invaluable resource for indie writers

If you are serious about getting a book out there, you have researched the changing trends in publishing. The days of traditional publishing houses holding writers by the throat are gone. "Independent" writers have taken advantage of the resources first offered by Amazon, and are changing the world of publishing to be more writer-friendly. What this means for the reader is that there will be access to subject matter and out-of-genre books that wasn't there before. My own book, Gentlemen's Game did not fit into a traditional genre, the sort of niche a publisher would demand. While it is a love story of sorts, it is not conforming to the "romance" formula publishing houses demand, and on top of that the romance is between men. The Indie route seemed the most logical for me. Beginning at The Writer's Guide to E-Publishing as a resource for information about the benefits of Indie Publishing, I became convinced that it would be more beneficial to me to retain rights and control of the work. Writers who are overwhelmed by various resources of information as we are entering a new era of publishing are encouraged to visit The Writer's Guide to E-Publishing to start your journey to publication with some great information from writers who are already doing it!


  1. Hey, nice site you have here! Keep up the excellent work!

  2. How nice of you to say so! Thanks much! - L.


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